The Weight of the Web

The internet brings instant and constant access to opinions you didn’t even know existed. Issues you thought had only one side have three at a minimum. 140 characters from a stranger can lead to sleeplessness, loss of appetite and increased heart rate. Prior to being involved in adoption, I thought the public consensus was it… Continue reading The Weight of the Web

Race, Drugs, Mental Health and Puppy Litters

When having a biological child “you get what you get” (and I won’t tell you that you don’t get upset).  With adoption there is choice, which makes it harder.  Some people feel that they will get the baby God intends for them and are open to anything.  I’m much more analytical and a researcher.  And… Continue reading Race, Drugs, Mental Health and Puppy Litters

Being “Paper Pregnant”

…At least you can enjoy wine during it. Done: Phase 1:  Application  COMPLETE 2/2/17:  Decided on an agency near where I work. 2/5/17:  Received the 21 steps/ forms packet 2/8/17: Consultation with Social Worker 2/25/17: Wrote autobiography, requested official copy of birth certificate 3/1/17: Got fingerprinted and received FBI clearance the same day 3/7/17: Met… Continue reading Being “Paper Pregnant”